Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Such thing as too much memory?

As an avid PC gamer I have always been trying to follow the "best of the best" in the PC world. Most PC gamers decide to build their own desktop PC. The reason for this is to update outdated hardware with ease, and without needing to replace their whole machine.
One of the most important aspects when building a gaming PC is the GPU, Or graphics card. Recently a 2GB graphics card has been considered to be in the "high-performance" range depending on the other aspects of your machine. Personally on my machine I have a 2GB GPU and have never had issues.
With technology always getting better and cheaper, especially memory. NVIDIA has now created a GPU or graphics card that has 12GB of DDR5 memory called the Tesla K40. This is such a large amount that it is hard to even imagine what you would need it for. I think this demonstrates that technology has no limit and will continue to grow and become less expensive. Who knows, maybe 5 years from now ipads will only be $100.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What Not to Wear

Wearable technology seems to be a big buzz topic this year, with the unveiling of the Samsung Gear line, which for now only features their watch, and Google Glass having a targeted release for next year. Having your tech gear be wearable brings on a wide array of implications for every area of technology. For social media, having a camera that can shoot from your point of view at any time allows users to post an increasing amount of things from their lives to their preferred media. It also allows for new innovations with navigation, allowing the directions to be directly placed in your field of vision with Glass' heads up display. Another big advancement is 'pay per gaze' advertising that Google is rumored to be looking into based on a patent application. Their patent uses the camera on glass to determine what a wearer is looking at. This patent would have a lot of interesting uses, allowing a computer to determine what information to display based on how long a user looks at different items. However it also allows for a new idea in advertising.. This sort of advertising would allow advertisers to truly only pay for what they get, only shelling out when a viewer looks at their advertisement, if they only glance quickly and close, a certain amount, if their gaze stays for a long time, they pay more.

     Their a lot of serious implications that come with these advancements. Is it truly safe to have your directions placed right in your environment, or will it prove to be a fatal distraction to drivers? As far as privacy goes, would you really want an advanced hacker to be able to tap into a camera on your face and being able to see what you see any time you wear the devices. I can also imagine a lot of people being uncomfortable with the idea of companies collecting and analyzing what you look at in your life to determine their next advertising campaign.

    Over all, the idea of wearable technology is still in its infancy, with only a few serious contenders out there. However, if there are enough early adopters to convince the industry that it could be profitable, we could see the majority of the population with it sooner than you think.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Revolutionizing Home Design

Make your renovations or new home seen through your eyes

Past unstable markets and the boom of Pinterest have pushed home owners or renters to be more creative in home design.  Pinterest has inspired many to redesign the space they have or picture the future of a "fixer-up" that falls in their price range.  Envisioning a finished master piece is no easy task if you can't get past the mismatch kitchen cupboard and on the other end if one wanted to build a home where do even you begin?  I have found several sites which are; free to use (at least demo), easy to manage, and most importantly give you the ability to see your design put together.

Key Features:

Amongst the CAD (Computer-Aided Design) sites I have found allow the user has access to both 2D and 3D floor plans.  Three dimensional floor plans are a great way to see your plans from all angles, some sites such as Floor Planner, are great for this visual.

Prebuilt Floor Pans:
Looking to optimize your space, this is the feature for you.  Prebuilt plans work wonders for a user who is looking to design a specific room or has a typical layout.  These plans give the bones of a floor plan from here it is up to user to adjust to specific dimensions a room has.  Personally I have used this feature myself to find new ways to rearrange furniture in rooms with many obstacles such as; windows, doors, closets, and outlet placement.

For those of you looking to build or remodel and don't know where to start when you meet your contractor, print off your vision and bring it.  Although CAD gives you freedom to design to your hearts content keeping budget in mind because, who wants to be told "It can't be done on that budget"  So my tip keep it simple for the first meeting give the contractor perspective on your style but don't create something so unobtainable you will end up crushed.
